CSC 766 Course Syllabus

CSC 766 – Code Optimization for Scalar and Parallel Programs

3 Credit Hours

Course Description

With the increasing diversity and complexity of computers and their applications, the development of efficient, reliable software has become increasingly dependent on automatic support from compilers and other program analysis and translation tools. This course covers principal topics in understanding and transforming programs at the code block, function, program, and behavior levels. Specific techniques for imperative languages include data flow, dependence, various code optimizations, parallelization for both CPU and GPU.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students should be able to do the following.

Course Structure

The course will be primarily based on lectures.


Xipeng Shen (xshen5) - Instructor
Phone: 919-513-7577
Office Location: EBII 3276
Office Hours: 1-2pm Tuesday.

Course Meetings


Days: TuTh
Time: 8:30 - 9:45am
Campus: Centennial
Location: EBII 01220
This meeting is required.

Course Materials

Reference Books

Engineering a Compiler - Keith D. Cooper and Linda Torczon
Edition: 2
ISBN: 978-0120884780
Web Link: here
This textbook is optional.
Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures - Randy Allen and Ken Kennedy
Edition: 1
Web Link: here
This textbook is optional.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools - Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman
Edition: 2
Web Link: here
This textbook is optional.





Requisites and Restrictions


CSC 451 or CSC 501 (Operating Systems). Helpful: CSC 253 (C and C++ for Java Programmers), CSC 224 (Applied Discrete Mathematics), CSC 234 (Computer Organization & Assembly Language), and MA 121 (Calculus), CSC 512 (Compiler Construction), CSC 548 (Parallel Systems).





General Education Program (GEP) Information

GEP Category

This course does not fulfill a General Education Program category.

GEP Co-requisites

This course does not fulfill a General Education Program co-requisite.


This course will not require students to provide their own transportation. Non-scheduled class time for field trips or out-of-class activities is NOT required for this class.

Safety & Risk Assumptions



Grade Components

Midterm Exam 30%

The midterm exam will be an in-class, closed-book exam. There will be no makeup exam for midterm. If you miss the midterm, your grade will be soly based on the final exam you take. However, you should realize that the final exam will be comprehensive and significantly more difficult than the midterm exam. You need to email the instructor  in advance with justifications to skip the scheduled midterm.

Final Project 40%

The final project will be an individual programming project.

Assignments 30%

There will be about 3 small projects, some of which have associated written assignments.

Letter Grades

This Course uses the Following (Non-Standard) Letter Grading Scale:

Requirements for Credit-Only (S/U) Grading

Performance in research, seminar and independent study types of courses (6xx and 8xx) is evaluated as either "S" (Satisfactory) or "U" (Unsatisfactory), and these grades are not used in computing the grade point average. For credit only courses (S/U) the requirements necessary to obtain the grade of "S" must be clearly outlined.

Requirements for Auditors (AU)

Information about and requirements for auditing a course can be found at

Policies on Incomplete Grades

If an extended deadline is not authorized by the Graduate School, an unfinished incomplete grade will automatically change to an F after either (a) the end of the next regular semester in which the student is enrolled (not including summer sessions), or (b) by the end of 12 months if the student is not enrolled, whichever is shorter. Incompletes that change to F will count as an attempted course on transcripts. The burden of fulfilling an incomplete grade is the responsibility of the student. The university policy on incomplete grades is located at Additional information relative to incomplete grades for graduate students can be found in the Graduate Administrative Handbook in Section 3.18.F at

Late Assignments

No late assignments will be accepted. If an emergency (e.g., hospitalization) prevented an assignment from being submitted, its grade will be determined by averaging the completed assignments in the same category. Instructor may grant an extension if a student has some extenuating circumstances warranting it (which is very rare). Student must receive this extension by noon the day it is due. Note: requesting an extension is not the same as receiving it.

Attendance Policy

For complete attendance and excused absence policies, please see

Attendance Policy

While attendance is not taken, students are expected to attend. Class periods will contain material that is not in the reading assignments that students are responsible for knowing. While every effort is made to provide critical information via electronic resources (web page, mailing list, etc.), some information may not show up outside class in a timely manner (or at all). Although this is accidental, students are nevertheless responsible for all information presented in class.

Absences Policy


Makeup Work Policy


Additional Excuses Policy


Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Students are required to comply with the university policy on academic integrity found in the Code of Student Conduct found at


Students are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity and honesty. University guidelines regarding academic integrity will be followed. Cheating will result in disciplinary actions, up to the full penalties specified in the guideline. A grade of zero will be given to the assignment in question for a minor offense. A major offense, including any violation on a test, could result in failure of the course. All suspected violations will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct, where a guilty outcome on a second offense can mean suspension from the university.


Please keep in mind that academic integrity in the classroom translates to professional integrity in the workplace. Moreover, awarding similar grades to students who have maintained academic integrity and to students who have cheated results in conferring equivalent degrees on them, and reduces the value of that degree in the workplace. It is the responsibility of every student as well as the instructor and TA to see that this is not allowed to happen.


Academic Honesty

See for a detailed explanation of academic honesty.


Honor Pledge

Your signature on any test or assignment indicates "I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment."

Electronically-Hosted Course Components

Students may be required to disclose personally identifiable information to other students in the course, via electronic tools like email or web-postings, where relevant to the course. Examples include online discussions of class topics, and posting of student coursework. All students are expected to respect the privacy of each other by not sharing or using such information outside the course.

Electronically-hosted Components: online discussions of class topics

Accommodations for Disabilities

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, student must register with the Disability Services Office (, 919-515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation at

Non-Discrimination Policy

NC State University provides equality of opportunity in education and employment for all students and employees. Accordingly, NC State affirms its commitment to maintain a work environment for all employees and an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination. Discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated. Harassment of any person (either in the form of quid pro quo or creation of a hostile environment) based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation also is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated. Retaliation against any person who complains about discrimination is also prohibited. NC State's policies and regulations covering discrimination, harassment, and retaliation may be accessed at or Any person who feels that he or she has been the subject of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should contact the Office for Equal Opportunity (OEO) at 919-515-3148.

Course Schedule

NOTE: The course schedule is subject to change.

Unit 1 (2 lectures)


Unit 2 (7 lectures)

Redundancy Removal

Unit 3 (3 lectures)

Data Flow Analysis

Unit 4 (3 lectures)

Parallelization and Locality

Unit 5 (5 lectures)

Heterogeneity and Massive Parallelism

Unit 6 (3 lectures)

Optomization Space Exploration

Unit 7 (1 lecture)
