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Multiagent Systems and Social AI Laboratory

The Laboratory is part of the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University.

Research Interests

Research Sponsorship


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Publications and Software

Source code for some of the software modules developed by our lab is here (let Munindar know if you are looking for something specific)
PhD dissertations and most MS theses are linked in below
For external publications, the best pointer is through Munindar's papers page


Munindar P. Singh

PhD Students

Listing only those who have passed at least one research exam under my supervision.

Ruijie Xi
Decoding Morality in Social Media, proposed August 2023
Amanul Haque
Pixie: Preferences in Implicit and Explicit Comparisons, proposed August 2023
Jiaqing Yuan
Predicting When a Conversation Derails, proposed December 2023
Seoyeong Park
MEAL: Model of Empathy Augmented Logistics for Food Security, qualified April 2024

PhD Graduates

[33] Vaibhav Garg
Unveiling Harassment through Natural Language Processing, defended March 2024
[32] Mu Zhu
Defensive Deception in Enterprise Networks: Adaptive Honeyfiles, Decoy Network Flows, and Honeypots, defended December 2023
[31] Sz-Ting Tzeng
(coadvisor: Nirav Ajmeri)
Understanding the Interplay of Social Signals and Values in Norm Emergence, defended August 2023
[30] Samuel Christie
(coadvisor: Amit Chopra)
Information-Based Decentralized Systems, defended October 2022
[29] Hui Guo
Extraction and Analysis of Stories: Natural Language Processing for Software Engineering, defended May 2021
[28] Zhen Guo
Understanding Interaction and Persuasion in Online Argumentative Discussions, defended April 2021
[27] Karthik Sheshadri
Toward a Unified Model of News Influence on Public Interest and Legislation, defended June 2019
[26] Nirav Ajmeri
Engineering Multiagent Systems for Ethics and Privacy-Aware Social Computing, defended December 2018
[25] Mehdi Mashayekhi
(coadvisor: George List)
Regulation of Open Normative Multiagent Systems, defended November 2016
[24] Adel Elmessiry
Natural Language Techniques for Decision Support Based on Patient Complaints, defended October 2016
[23] Anup Kumar Kalia
Understanding Human Communication to Estimate Trust, Hierarchy, and Performance, defended May 2016
[22] Pradeep Kumar Murukannaiah
Engineering Personal Agents Toward Personalized, Context-Aware, and Privacy-Preserving Applications, defended March 2016
[21] Guangchao Yuan
Investigating Sentiment, Homophily, and Location for Understanding User Interactions in Social Media, defended March 2016
[20] Zhe Zhang
Text Mining for Sentiment Analysis, defended November 2014
[19] Pankaj R. Telang
Multiagent Business Modeling, defended April 2013
[18] Scott N. Gerard
Designing, Verifying, and Evolving Commitment-Based Business Protocols, defended April 2013
[17] Xibin Gao
Knowledge Discovery from Business Contracts, defended July 2012
[16] Chung-Wei Hang
Probabilistic Trust Models for Social and Service Networks, defended April 2011
[15] Derek J. Sollenberger
Engineering Personal and Social Affective Applications, defended November 2010
[14] Christopher J. Hazard
Trust and Reputation in Multiagent Systems: Strategies and Dynamics with Reference to Electronic Commerce, defended May 2010
[13] Yonghong Wang
Evidence-Based Trust in Distributed Agent Systems, defended December 2008
[12] Amit K. Chopra
Commitment Alignment: Semantics, Patterns, and Decision Procedures for Distributed Computing, defended November 2008
[11] Yathiraj B. Udupi
Modeling Service Engagements in Dynamic Organizations: Multiagent Model and Architecture for Policy-Based Governance, defended March 2008
[10] Qing Zhang
(coadvisor: Ting Yu)
Microdata Privacy Protection Through Permutation-Based Approaches, defended March 2008
[9] A. Soydan Bilgin
(coadvisor: Rada Y. Chirkova)
Deriving Efficient SQL Sequences Via Prefetching, defended December 2007
[8] Nirmit Desai
Interorganizational Business Interactions: Contracts, Processes, Evolution, defended November 2007
[7] Zhengang Cheng
(coadvisor: Mladen A. Vouk)
Verifying Commitment Based Business Protocols and their Compositions: Model Checking using Promela and Spin, defended August 2006
[6] Ashok U. Mallya
Modeling and Enacting Business Processes via Commitment Protocols Among Agents, defended November 2005
[5] E. Michael Maximilien
Toward Autonomic Web Services Trust and Selection, defended December 2004
[4] Feng Wan
Commitment-Based Business Process Modelling and Enactment, defended November 2004
[3] Pınar Yolum
Properties of Referral Networks: Emergence of Authority and Trust, defended June 2003
[2] Bin Yu
Emergence and Evolution of Agent-Based Referral Networks, defended December 2001
[1] Jie Xing
Commitment-Based Interoperation for E-Commerce, defended May 2001

Past Postdocs

Saikath Bhattacharya
Özgür Kafalı
Rahul Pandita
Hongying Du
Adrián Fernández Martinez
Chung-Wei Hang
Christopher Hazard
Nirmit Desai
Bin Yu

MS Graduates

[41] Divya Sundaresan
User Modeling for Prosocial Nudging with Reinforcement Learning, defended April 2023
[40] Gurkirat S. Kang
Adaptive Defensive Deception in IT/OT Networks, defended August 2022
[39] Rishabh Agrawal
(coadvisor: Nirav Ajmeri)
Using Explanations for Norm Emergence in Normative Multiagent Systems, defended August 2021
[38] Suma Kasa
(coadvisor: Anup Kalia)
Adaptor Grammar for Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Entity Extraction, defended April 2021
[37] Arvind Sastha Kumar
(coadvisor: Pradeep Murukannaiah)
Federated Inverse Averaging: Toward Pareto-Optimal Minima in Human Activity Recognition, defended April 2021
[36] Bhavana Balraj
(coadvisor: Pradeep Murukannaiah)
Multilabel Active Learning for User Context Recognition in the Wild, defended April 2021
[35] Aditya Parkhi
(coadvisor: Pradeep Murukannaiah)
Novelty Detection in Textual Data using Document Encoders and Self Attention, defended April 2021
[34] Vinayak Dubey
(coadvisor: Tianfu Wu)
Learning Attention to Prune Convolutional Neural Networks , defended March 2021
[33] Shrey Anand
Content-Based Creative Suggestions for User Queries, defended June 2019
[32] Zhen Guo
Predicting View Changes in Online Argumentative Discussions, based on PhD written prelim, defended November 2018
[31] Nirav Ajmeri
Creating and Maintaining Firewall Policies: An Approach Based on Argumentation and its Empirical Evaluation, based on PhD written prelim, defended November 2014
[30] Shubham Goyal
Exploring Sanctions in CyberSecurity Compliance, defended April 2018
[29] Samuel Christie
Atomicity in Declarative Multiagent Communication Protocols, based on PhD written prelim, defended December 2016
[28] Guangchao Yuan
A Mechanism for Cooperative Demand-Side Management, based on PhD written prelim, defended December 2012
[27] Anup Kumar Kalia
Muon: Designing Multiagent Communication Protocols from Interaction Scenarios, defended August 2013
[26] Zhe Zhang
Trader Behavior Prediction Using Interpersonal Communication, based on PhD written prelim, defended May 2012
[25] Pradeep Kumar Murukannaiah
Platys Social: Relating Shared Places and Private Social Circles, based on PhD written prelim, defended April 2011
[24] Pankaj R. Telang
Specifying and Verifying Business Models, based on PhD written prelim, defended May 2010
[23] Koushik Narayanan Rajagopalan
Tools for Business Protocols, defended May 2010
[22] Derek J. Sollenberger
Architecture and Methodology for Affective Social Applications, based on PhD written prelim, defended September 2009
[21] Narendran Ranjit
Multiagent Referral Systems: Maintaining and Applying Trust and Expertise Models, defended May 2007
[20] Arvind Batalagundu Viswanathan
Bootstrapping Referral Systems with Social Network Information, defended May 2007
[19] Payal Chakravarty
An Event-Driven Approach to Agent-Based Business Process Enactment, defended February 2007
[18] Yathiraj B. Udupi
Trust in Knowledge Sharing, based on PhD written prelim, (defended October 2003), graduated December 2005
[17] Leena V. Wagle
Incorporating Business Policies into Business Protocols, defended August 2005
[16] Amit K. Chopra
Nonmonotonic Commitment Machines, defended October 2003
[15] A. Soydan Bilgin
Semantic Web Services Query and Manipulation Language for Quality Attributes of Web Services, defended August 2003
[14] Srivatsa V. Chivukula
Evolution of Trust in Anonymous Interactions, defended May 2003
[13] Ashok U. Mallya
Specifying and Resolving Temporal Commitments, defended November 2002
[12] Raghuram M. Sreenath
A Community-Based Rating System for Selecting among Web Services, defended November 2002
[11] Subhayu S. Chatterjee
Instant Messaging Interface and Transport for the Multiagent Referral System, defended November 2002
[10] Paul J. Palathingal
Integrating Information Retrieval in a Referral System for Knowledge Management, defended May 2002
[9] E. Michael Maximilien
Web Services Reputation, based on PhD written prelim, defended April 2002
[8] Wentao Mo
A Referral-Based Recommender System for E-Commerce, defended May 2001
[7] Mahmoud S. Elhaddad
Adaptive Multipath Traffic Allocation in TCP/IP Networks, defended August 2001
[6] Pınar Yolum
Flexible Execution of E-Commerce Protocols: A Commitment-Based Approach, defended June 2000
[5] Mahadevan Venkatraman
Specifying and Verifying Compliance with Commitment Protocols Among Autonomous Agents, defended September 1999
[4] Sudhir K. Rustogi
Empirical Studies of Coordination in Decentralized Multiagent Systems, defended August 1999
[3] Jiejun Kong
Constructing Multiagent Systems: The MEP Project, defended August 1998
[2] Anuj K. Jain
Maintaining Process Coherence in Heterogeneous Information Environments, defended May 1998
[1] Chubin Lin
Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow Scheduler, defended April 1998

Other Past Students

Bennett Narron
Prashant C. Kediyal, passed written prelims
Ricard López Fogués, visitor from Spain
Qanita Ahmad
Moin Ayazifar
Dhanwant Kang
Srinath Anantharaju
Priya Paul Manavalan, undergrad
Yu Lei
Joel Rucker, undergrad
Chris L. Grove, undergrad
Upendra Padmonkar
Neerja Bhatt
Hong Han

Engineering Building 2, 2261 / Box 8206
Department of Computer Science
North Carolina State University
890 Oval Drive
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206, USA

1-919-513-4456; 1-919-513-4456; 1-919-513-4456