Computer Science
Software Engineering is the process of the design, construction and maintenance of good enough software, given the available resources. Good software engineers know the space of options for building software. And the best software engineers know where to find the best options. Researchers in SE look at all those options, decide which are best, and (sometimes) even create new options.
This is an ideal time to research software engineering. Software has now become one of the dominant forces in the world driving innovation and productivity. Graduates from our program are well placed for high-profile careers in industry and academia and other industries as well.
Dr. Sarah Heckman
![Dr. Sarah Heckman](images/heckman.png)
Dr. Sarah Heckman a Teaching Associate Professor and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs in the Department of Computer Science. She is also a three time graduate of the department and received her Ph.D. in August of 2009. Dr. Heckman received the NC State University Outstanding Teacher Award and the Alumni Association Outstanding Teacher Award as a representative of the College of Engineering in Spring 2015. She is a member of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers at NC State. Dr. Heckman teaches several of the core courses in software engineering and programming languages. Her research interests are in computer science education and software engineering. As a graduate student, she was a three-time recipient of the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship.
Research Website:
Dr. Jason King
![Dr. Jason King](
Dr. Tim Menzies
![Dr. Tim Menzies](images/menzies.png)
Tim Menzies (Ph.D., UNSW, 1995) is a full Professor in CS at North Carolina State University where he teaches software engineering, automated software engineering, and foundations of software science. He is the directory of the RAISE lab (real world AI for SE). that explores SE, data mining, AI, search-based SE, and open access science. He is the author of over 250 referred publications and editor of three recent books summarized the state of the art in software analytics. In his career, he has been a lead researcher on projects for NSF, NIJ, DoD, NASA, USDA, as well as joint research work with private companies. For 2002 to 2004, he was the software engineering research chair at NASA's software Independent Verification and Validation Facility.
Prof. Menzies is the co-founder of the PROMISE conference series devoted to reproducible experiments in software engineering ( He is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodologies, Empirical Software Engineering, the Automated Software Engineering Journal the Big Data Journal, Information Software Technology, IEEE Software, and the Software Quality Journal. In 2015, he served as co-chair for the ICSE'15 NIER track. In 2016, he serves as co-general chair of ICMSE'16. For more, see his vita ( or his list of publications or his home page
Dr. Emerson Murphy-Hill
![Dr. Emerson Murphy-Hill](
Emerson Murphy-Hill is an associate professor of Computer Science at NCSU. Emerson directs the Developer Liberation Front, a research group that works at the intersections of software engineering and human computer interaction. Emerson has won a National Science Foundations CAREER award in 2013 and five ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards. His research problems are informed by and his results influence companies such as ABB, Google, and Microsoft.
Dr. Chris Parnin
![Dr. Chris Parnin](
Dr. Kathryn Stolee
![Dr. Kathryn Stolee](images/stolee.png)
Dr. Kathryn Stolee is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at North Carolina State University and the recipient of an NSF CAREER award. She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2013. Her research spans program analysis, empirical software engineering, and code search. Dr. Stolee enjoys teaching several courses in software engineering, including undergraduate courses in software engineering and software testing and graduate courses in software testing and program repair. When she is not thinking about software engineering, Dr. Stolee can be found hiking in the woods.
Dr. Laurie Williams
![Dr. Laurie Williams](
Research Groups
![RAISE lab members](images/raise.png)
Exploring AI and SE synergies
The N.C. State RAISE research lab explores the synergy between AI and software engineering.
As SE is asked to answer dynamic automated, adaptive, and/or large scale demands, other computer science disciplines come to play. AI is one of them that may bring SE to further heights.
Conversely, SE can also play role to alleviate development costs and the development effort associated with AI tools.
So researchers at RAISE apply AI to SE applications (as well as applying SE to AI).
Home page:
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